Pushkara Vidhi - What to Do in Pushkaralu
Our ancient seers have prescribed certain austerities to be observed during Pushkara time known as Pushkara Vidhi. Most important are Pushkara Snana (taking bath), Pushkara Vaasa (staying), Pushkara Darshana, Siro Mundana (tonsuring of head), Fasting, Pushkara Pithru Karma, and Pushkara Dana (charity).
Pushkara Snana
In Hindu philosophy lot of significance has been given for taking bath which is Nithya karma and that too in a flowing river is considered as the paramount. Exclusive Snana Vidhi has been prescribed by our elders the details of which will be covered in future posts. Taking bath in a sacred river during Parvakala is still more auspicious and when it is the days of Pushkara the merits are manifold. It is said that during Pushkara all the Brahmaadi Devathas, Sages and Pithru Devathas will be residing in that Theertha (River) along with Brihaspathi and Pushkara. During Pushkara all the theerthas in the Universe will be entering into that particular river and will be flowing as Antarvahini.
Taking bath in a Pushkara river will help to cleanse the inner selves, wash out the evil tendencies and open up a path for a righteous living. This bath should be taken early in the morning before Sunrise during Brahmi Muhurtham which is highly meritorious time. It is believed that Pushkara Snana also has curative properties from chronic ill health. After Pushkara Snana one has to pray and give Arghya to the concerned Pushkara Theertha (River), Theertha Raja (Pushkara), Brihaspathi, Lord Vishnu who is eternally present in all the Theerthas, Brahmaadi Devathas, Vasishtaadi Sages, Gangaadi Rivers and the Sun God (Sri Surya Narayana).
Pushkara Pithru Karma
Pithru Yagna like performing Pithru Shraaddha, Tharpana have been prescribed to get discharged from Pithru Runa. This has been in vogue since time immemorial and even Avathara Purushas like Sri Ramachandra (Lord Sri Rama), Lord Parashurama have performed Pithru karma. We, the human beings are no exception to this dictum. Performing Pithru Karma during Pushkara days also forms part of the Pithru Yagna which is considered as highly sacred and meritorious. Only those who have lost their parents are eligible to perform the sacred rites to their fore-fathers. Pithru karma during Pushkara days has to be performed for all the deceased (Sarva Pithru). It has to be performed on the banks of the sacred Pushkara River like a Theertha Shraaddha.
This has to be performed preferably in the form of Anna Shraaddha with Pinda Pradhana and Brahmana Bhojana. Hiranya Shraaddha is also in vogue where instead of rice, wheat flour is used for making Pindas and instead of Brahmana Bhojana they will be offered Dakshina. Pushkara shraaddha can be performed on any day during the 12 day period of Pushkaram, or on the 9th day or on the Pithru thithi day if it coincides except on the day of Ekadasi. It is said and believed that Pithrus (fore-fathers) will descend on Earth during Pushkara days and will reside on the banks of Pushkara River longing for their off-spring to perform Pithru Shraaddha. Performing Pushkara shraaddha, one will be bestowed with blessings from fore-fathers, peace and prosperity to the family. It will also work as remedy for various mundane problems one is facing in life related to marriage, progeny, health, poverty etc.
Pushkara Daana (Charity)
During Pushkara period Snana, Shraaddha and Dana are considered to be highly meritorious that gives eternal results. This charity (Dana) can be given to Brahmins in the form of Dasa Dana (10 in number) or Shodasa Dana (16 in number). Some of the charities prescribed are as follows.
Anna Dana, Gold, Silver, Bhoo-Dana, Rice, Ghee, Jaggery, Honey, Grandha (sacred text), Vasthra, Paada Raksha (Chappals), Umbrella, Hand Stick, Fan, Sayya (Bedding), Phala (Fruits), Bell (Ghanta), Paathra (brass/silver vessel), Asana (Mat), Nava Dhanya, Milk, Cow, Salagrama, Pinda Daana.
Pushkaram is a very big river based festival in India participated by lakhs of people including foreign tourists and is performed across the path of that particular river. Since time immemorial Hindus consider rivers as Divine and river worship in the form of Pushkaram is performed to make the mankind realize the significance of water the life sustaining force. It is our ardent duty to respect and follow the traditions and culture pioneered by our elders with a great foresight and Pushkaram is one such sacred Hindu sampradaya that has descended from Sages which is highly auspicious and meritorious.
Each day of Pushkaralu has various deeds to perform. Following is a date wise list of deeds to be performed on 12 days of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela)1st day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 14 July 2015, Tuesday, Krishna Trayodasi till 6:51, Sraddha Tithi Chaturdashi
God to worship: Lord Vishnu (Sriman Narayana) & Brihaspati
Shraddha: Hiranya Shraddha
Charity: Gold, silver, land, or dhanya (grains)
2nd day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela) (Kumbhmela), 15 July 2015, Wednesday, Krishna Chaturdasi till 6:39, Sraddha Tithi Amavasya
God to worship: Sri Surya Bhagavan
Shraddha: Anna Shraddha
Charity: Cow, clothes, gemstones, or salt.
3rd day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 16 July 2015, Thursday, Amavasya till 6:54, Sraddha Tithi Padyami
God to worship: Lakshmi Devi
Shraddha: to Pitrudevatas
Charity: money, jiggery, vegetables, fruits, or horse
4th day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 17 July 2015, Friday, Sukla Pratipat till 7:40, Sraddha Tithi Vidiya
God to worship: Lord Ganesha
Shraddha / Vidhi: Chant Ashtakshari Mantram
Charity: ghee, oil, milk, honey, etc..
5th day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 18 July 2015, Saturday, Sukla Dwitiya till 8:58, Sraddha Tithi Tadiya
God to worship: Lord Sri Krishna
Shraddha / Vidhi: Chant the mantra “Om Suryaya Namaha”
Charity: dhanya (grains), bull, buffalo, cart, hal, etc..
6th day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 19 July 2015, Sunday, Sukla Tritiya till 10:46, Sraddha Tithi Chaturthi
God to worship: Goddess Saraswati Devi
Shraddha / Vidhi: Lakshmi Mantra Parayana (Chant Lakshmi Mantram)
Donate: medicines, gandha, kasthuri, karpuram (camphor), etc.
7th day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 20 July 2015, Monday, Sukla Chaturthi till 13:00, Sraddha Tithi Panchami
God to worship: Goddess Gauri Devi
Shraddha / Vidhi: Chant Ganesha Mantra
Donate: Annadaana, cot, palanquin, house, etc..
8th day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 21 July 2015, Tuesday, Sukla Panchami till 15:31, Sraddha Tithi none
God to worship: Lord Shiva
Shraddha / Vidhi: Sri Krishna Mantra Parayana
Donate: Clothes to a Brahmin, sandalwood, ginger, etc..
9th day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 22 July 2015, Wednesday, Sukla Shashthi till 18:06, Sraddha Tithi Shashti
God to worship: Sri Anantha & Chant Sri Saraswati Mantra
Shraddha / Vidhi: Pinda Pradaan to Pitrudevatas
Donate: bed sheets, soldiers, blankets, etc..
10th day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 23 July 2015, Thursday, Sukla Sapthami till 20:31, Sraddha Tithi Saptami
God to worship: Lord Narasimha Swamy & Chant Parvatidevi Mantra
Donate: glass, towel, Salagrama (Shaligram), books, etc..
11th day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 24 July 2015, Friday, Sukla Ashtami till 22:30, Sraddha Tithi Ashtami
God to worship: Lord Vamana & Chant Shiva Panchakshari Mantra (Om Namah Shivaya)
Donate: Gandham, Yagnopavitha, clothes, Tambula, etc..
12th day of Godavari Pushkarams (Kumbhamela), 25 July 2015, Saturday, Sukla Navami till 23:51, Sraddha Tithi Navami
God to worship: Lord Sri Rama & Rama Naama Parayana
Donate: Til, Dashadaana or Shodasha Daana, etc..